Free Your Time: How Assistants Supercharge Successful Authors

How do you choose when you want to be a success?

Write your book. Apply edits. Market your book. Manage social media. Research ad keywords. Create graphics. Create ads. Manage your ARC team. Adjust your ads. Write your next book. And a plethora of other tasks awaits you each day as you build your author career.

Something has to give. You need to free your time if you want to grow your business.

As an author, you have to wear many hats in addition to writing. Some of those hats don’t fit you very well, or at all, and you would like to find someone to help you, but you don’t know where to start.

What tasks can I give to an assistant?
How can I safely share accounts with an assistant?
Where do I begin?

Those questions and more are answered in this guide for authors who are thinking about hiring a virtual assistant or would like to hire an assistant but don’t know where to start.

If you’re an author and want to learn about virtual assistants, click BUY NOW or READ FOR FREE to get your copy and supercharge your author business!

Other books in series

Free Your Time: How Assistants Supercharge Successful Authors

Free Your Time: How Assistants Supercharge Successful Authors