Grace Snoke
Author | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance
Non-Fiction | Virtual Assistant

You have found the website of Grace Snoke, urban fantasy and paranormal romance author. Browse the site to check out books and sneak peeks and more!
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What’s On Your Christmas Wish List, Book Wise?
I am horrible about creating my Christmas Wish list each year. My husband and family can easily attest to this ...
Review: Grave Witch by Kalayna Price
I have a bad tendency to pick up books without paying attention to whether or not it's a part of the series or ...
Featuring: Book Reviews
After some serious thought and realizations, I realized that trying to maintain the number of blogs I have is ...
Improper Word Usage: A Rant on “Apocalyptic”
Every so often, like today, I see something written that just makes me so annoyed I decide to vent on it. Today's ...
Nov. 1 is here and NaNoWrimo is Upon Us
I mentioned this on one of the NaNoWrimo groups about how I plan to do counting for my novels, but decided to ...
Today I learned…
This all started last night when I was looking through my writings that were on a portable hard drive where i had ...
Articles I’ve Written This Past Week
Once a week I will use this blog as a self promotion tool. I write a lot of non-fiction, which makes me an author ...
Plot Outlines or Lack Thereof – How Do You Do It?
It should come as no surprise that I follow Facebook pages like Freedom with Writing, Author's Publish and ...
Sneak Peak Inside The Books