Available Now: Think Happy Club: Friendship

Think Happy Club: Friendship is a hand drawn book focused on improving and changing things in our lives. Using cute characters and a light tone, Think Happy Club: Friendship will remind you of fun ways to keep friends as friends forever. Think Happy Club is a book...

New Excerpt: The Will and the Way: Healers

I mentioned on my Facebook page that once I hit 300 followers I would share an excerpt from another work in progress.  What I didn’t mention is aside from the Prologue and this excerpt it is all I have written, though I know most of the rest of the story in my...

Has it really been more than a month….?

Time flies when you’re having fun. Or when your sick or swamped at work or all of the above.  Actually where did the first two months of 2015 go? It’s hard to believe it’s March 4 already.  It definitely doesn’t feel like it. I’ve been...